* Copy all code for Video LightBox from the HEAD and BODY tags and paste it on your page in the HEAD tagand in the place where you want to have a lightbox 2 video content movie (inside the BODY tag).

* Open the generated index.html file in any text editor. * Export your LightBox gallery using Video LightBox app in any test folder on a local drive. How can make a Youtube video begin in a time I want not always in the beggining. You can paste it in any place on your page whereyou want to add video popup. Step 4 - Add Video LightBox inside your own page. So click Yes, then enter a name for your project.To select the location of your project, just click the Browse folders button and choose a different location. When you exit Video LightBox, you'll be asked if you want to save your project.The project consists of the videos you choose to put on your website video gallery and all your settings.It's a good idea to save the project, because that will allow you to change the project in case you decideto do something different with future galleries. In this video tutorial, we will look at how you can use the WP Video Lightbox Plugin by TTHQ to embed a Youtube video on your WordPress website. Notice that you should specify this field otherwise your website video gallery jquery popeye video will be uploaded into the root folder of your server! Save your web video gallery as project file. Look at the time code on YouTube and make a note of it. " Notice: Write the name of the folder where your website video gallery will be placed on the server. First thing you want to do is decide what time you want your video to start. Handles the onReady player event (to autoplay the video as soon as the player is ready) and the onStateChange event (to close the lightbox instance when the video ends). Instantiates a JS player object by using the existing iframe. You might want to change the Directory as well if you need to have your uploaded images placed in e.g. Assigns a ID to that iframe (required by the YouTube IFrame Player API to create the player object - see below). There are attributes available to add parameters to the embed-URL thats dynamically generated from the video URL provided in the shortcode. The all-new film featuring the unbelievable beauty of hidden. If this website enables anonymous connections, just type in anonymous as the username and your e-mail address as the password. Welcome to the second 4K video (ultra HD) captured this month on a tropical island of Hispanola. If you do not fill in this information, Video LightBox is unable to connect to your site and thus not able to upload your videobox lightbox for videos iframe videos to website. Type in your username and password for the connection. If your web site uses another port, you will have to enter it here. The FTP port is normally located on port 21 thus this has been prefilled for you already. You will have to type in your hostname, e.g. Now type in a meaningful (this is not the actual hostname) name for your site and fill in the FTP details in the appropriate fields. You are able to add a new FTP site by clicking " Edit" to the right of the " Publish to FTP server" drop down list. The FTP Location Manager window enables you to define a number of connections for use when uploading your web site gallery to an FTP. In Google Tag Manager, go to Triggers > New > Trigger Configuration and choose Youtube Video. You can also set " Open web page after publishing" option. Here are the steps you need to complete in order to track Youtube videos with Google Tag Manager. To select a folder on your hard drive, just click the Browse folders button and choose a location.

progressCallback: callback function that gets called for up dates from this Constructor for loading, completion etc.triggerElement: id value of the element upon which click event is registered.

The constructor requires a request object that would have: Create a trigger element to toggle the Youtube video lightbox and ģ. Load the latest jQuery library and Youtube Overlay plugin's files in your project. The plugin allows the visitor by clicking/tapping a trigger element (typically video thumbnail) to open and play a Youtube video in a fully responsive fullscreen popup just like a video lightbox. Youtube Overlay is a Javascript module that helps to build and play the required video player Iframes from Youtube.