One of those arguments was 10 which is the highest.

The Math.max returns the highest number in a list of arguments passed to it. The last example illustrates how the spread operator can turn an array into a list of arguments to a function. With IntelliJ IDEA built-in debugger, you can debug both your client-side and server-side code and even run JavaScript code snippets in the interactive. We show you useful examples of JavaScript Code snippets and explain the. The second example combines the contents of two arrays together by creating a new temporary array containing both contents. Learn JavaScript for Beginners interactive web accessing the DOM Document Object. In the first example we show how the spread operator works on an array and turns each item into an individual element. Check it out: let data = console.log(.data) -> 1 2 3 4 5 let data2 = let combined = console.log(.combined) -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 console.log(Math.max(.combined)) -> 10

You could also use it to form a list of arguments to a function too. This can be used to transform an array into a list of arguments or even combine two arrays together. The spread operator allows you to quite literally “spread” out an array. Simply plugin the selection criteria using an anonymous function as the argument and you’re set: let customers = [ 6. Includes snippets for advanced console logs that are colorized, grouped, and edge-case-resistant. Iterating through an array of objects to find a specific one. Includes snippets for commonly-needed utilities, which can be useful when experimenting in a scratch file or when working on small projects where you don't intend to import a JavaScript utility library (e.g. This script can also operate in TextExpander for Windows. Plain old JavaScript, as you might write for a web browser, in an environment provided by TextExpander. In the content field, enter a JavaScript such as an example below. This is arguably one of the most common tasks you’ll need to accomplish in the JS world. In the content format drop-down menu, choose JavaScript as the format type. Finding a specific object in an array of objects Check out this link for further documentation on ES6. Depending on what framework you’re working with you may or may not be able to use ES6 syntax. Note: many of these examples use ES6 and are not plain vanilla JavaScript. I’ve put together a list of a few common problems to solve with their corresponding solutions in JS. It includes helpers for dealing with primitives, arrays and objects. Sometimes all we need is a little help with those repetitive, simple tasks that come up each day. The JavaScript snippet collection contains a wide variety of ES6 helper functions. Though JavaScript behaves strangely from time to time, it is still one of the most widely used languages today. Even basic things like loops behave differently than one might expect.

Output from even the most basic input can border on insanity (what’s true + true ?). Built-in functions or syntax you think should be there just isn’t. Like many programming languages, JavaScript has its flaws and quirks.